Strange Realities Conference 2020
I'll be presenting at the 2020 Strange Realities Conference on September 27 circa 8:30 p.m. It's an incredible lineup of presenters sponsored by my buddies over at the Conspirinormal podcast. From the official site:

The Strange Realities Conference is returning September 25th and 26th 2020, this time as an online streaming experience for everyone! We had a blast in Nashville last year, saw some fascinating presentations, and made some new friends, but our uncertain times demand an alternative this year. On the positive side, this will allow more people than ever to attend and has let us build a huge lineup of speakers! We’ll feature presentations by some of the best minds in the field of the Paranormal, Ufology, Cryptozoology, Occultism and Conspiracy research in the world today. The speakers include Brent Raynes, Tim Binnall, Aaron Gulyas, Guy Malone, Allen Greenfield, Timothy Renner, Dr. Future, and some others to be announced.
We will hold this event online the Evening of Friday September 25th, and all day on both Saturday and Sunday September 26th and 27th.
Ticket price is $20 for 20 presentations!
My presentation is derived from Volume II of Where the Footprints End and is entitled "The Buzz & the Beast: Altered States of Consciousness & Bigfoot Encounters." It's a relatively uninvestigated area of cryptozoology, and I'm astounded by how rewarding this line of inquiry has proven. For a complete list of speakers, visit the official site here.