Come say 'hi' at Paracon KC 2025!

I have a few more announcements pending, but the first official conference announcement of 2025 is that I will be attending Paracon Kansas City this August! Honored and thrilled to be part of a lineup that includes Dustin Pari, Richel Stratton, Brian Murray, David Glidden, and more.
The event will be held Saturday, August 2, 2025 at the Masonic Lodge in Leavenworth, Kansas. Tickets are only $10 (an incredible deal!). I'll be delivering a presentation, signing books, and just generally lurking about.
Expect details to pour in as the year continues. For now, you can visit the conference website—there are tons of exciting opportunities being announced, including an option to investigate the Kansas State Penitentiary that Friday or Saturday night.
To stay up-to-date on what's happening, hop on over to the Paracon KC 2025 website, Facebook page, or Instagram account.
I better see some of y'all there!
