Hi folks. First off, apologia: I've neglected the blog for nearly two months, and that is too long!
The good news is, those days are behind me for the next little while, as I'll finally completed my second book (the second draft as well, I might add). So be looking for that soon! I have my team of great readers helping with the edits (the indomitable Red Pill Junkie, a good friend checking my chemistry facts, my wife, and my parents. A motley crew!). Barring any monumental changes, Book #2 is a significant departure from A Trojan Feast. Yes, what you liked about ATF will still be there, but this one is much denser, in some sense more scientific, and yet with all those intriguing folkloric connotations. Each section reaches a mini-crescendo before the final set of observations, which I think are actually more consistent than those noted in ATF. I'm really eager to hear what y'all think of it.
In other news, I'm excited to announce that I'll be attending PARAMANIA this April 1-3 in Dallas, Texas. In some sense, it's a paranormal convention for people who hate conventions—no tickets, little structure, and plenty of chances to learn and chew the fat with folks. I'm beside myself with anticipation, since this is the first time I'll be seeing "the herd," as it were, and meeting some of my closest para-friends whom I haven't met in person: RPJ, Greg Bishop, Tim Binnall, Cam & Kyle from Expanded Perspectives, and a whole slew o' friends I haven't met yet (fingers crossed for appearances by Nick Redfern and Lyle Blackburn, who both reside in that neck of the woods). Interested in tagging along? Here's Tim's PARAMANIA FAQ for you to peruse. In any case, stay tuned... lots of exciting things coming up in 2016!