New project announced!
“There is something rotten out there, and it isn't from Denmark.” - John Keel Writing a book on the unexplained requires a certain leap...
Where Did the Road Go?
This past Saturday I had the chance to talk with host Seriah Azkath on his show, Where Did the Road Go?, about A Trojan Feast. It was a...

Unexplained phenomena and the liminal state
I've received a lot of feedback lately on purported "stances" that I have regarding "the big three" from A Trojan Feast: aliens, faeries,...
Interviews with Beckley & Hanks
I promise that, as time goes on, this blog will feature more-and-more original content, and less-and-less promotional material (for a... interview
Jeffery Pritchett was kind enough to post an interview with me over on It's a fun, quick little insight into the some of...
Coast to Coast AM!
Any night owls out there? Tomorrow night/Monday morning, I'll be on Coast to Coast AM. For anyone who doesn't know about C2C, it's...

Appearance on Binnall of America
I had the distinct pleasure of appearing on one of my favorite radio programs last night, Tim Binnall's aptly named Binnall of America. I...
Hello, big, beautiful world
Well, it's finally happened—I have a website dedicated to me. ME! And me alone. I've always been afraid that starting my own blog might...