God watches out for drunks and fools, not abductees
In his 1866 work Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts, folklorist Patrick Kennedy tells the story of “Jemmy Doyle in the Fairy Palace”:...
New project announced!
“There is something rotten out there, and it isn't from Denmark.” - John Keel Writing a book on the unexplained requires a certain leap...

Monsters & Myopia: Gaining clarity on eyesight in sleep paralysis
While wrestling with a nasty bit of insomnia last night (which began, naturally, during the witching hour of 3:00 a.m.), my mind decided...
Missing 411 and what really matters
EDITED: As of this update, the project has collected over $126,000 and has three days left to go... good job, everyone! We talk a lot in...
Where Did the Road Go?
This past Saturday I had the chance to talk with host Seriah Azkath on his show, Where Did the Road Go?, about A Trojan Feast. It was a...

Synchronicities aplenty
A wonderfully quaint synchronicity was brought to my attention this past Tuesday—my good friend and fellow Fortean Red Pill Junkie sent...

A visit to Coral Castle
While visiting family in south Florida last week, I was able to stop by a site that I have long held an interest in: the Coral Castle of...

Faerie-fidelity: Cinema's most accurate depiction of the Good Folk
As a 30-year old man with a (mildly embarrassing) obsession with (folklore-accurate depictions of) faeries, you can imagine my excitement...

Introducing the Bigfoot Brass Band
It's called synergy, folks. The Half Dozen Brass Band, dormant for two years, give-or-take, is reforming as the Bigfoot Brass Band. And...

Three words anomalists should use less often
Anyone even peripherally associated with the unexplained knows that we anomalists, as a whole, have a fairly serious crisis of...