It is with greatest pleasure that I can announce Them Old Ways Never Died is officially available on Amazon! August 28 has special...

Joshua Cutchin at DragonCon 2023
As I mentioned previously, I'll be at DragonCon 2023 in Atlanta at the end of the month. Here's my detailed schedule for August...

I wrote a novel.
Every time I release a book, I say the same thing: "I can't believe it." I said that all the way back in 2015 with A Trojan Feast: "I...

Two conferences in one weekend?!? What!
Just a quick note to let everyone know that I will be bilocating Labor Day weekend! Well, not really. But I will be presenting at two...

NEW RELEASE: Fairy Films: Wee Folk on the Big Screen
I've looked at that blog title above, and I just can't believe what I'm reading. It's true: Fairy Films—the essay collection that...

Featured speaker at the Archives of the Impossible 2023 Conference
I am overjoyed to let everyone know that I will be featured at the Archives of the Impossible 2023 Conference this May at Rice University...